
Section: Technology

Substitute Teachers

September 10, 2021

Upon arrival to Discovery, enter Door 1 and sign in in the main office. Your point of contact is...

MacBook Maintenance

November 18, 2020

Restart Your MacBook Closing the lid is handy, but Restart is the right thing to do every morning when you...

Enable “New Meeting Experience”

August 22, 2020

To get the most out of Microsoft Teams on your Macbook, download and install the Teams application. Once you’ve...

Extended Day Technology

March 23, 2020

As a general rule, students are not permitted to use their 1:1 iPads at Extended Day. This is to...


March 23, 2020

Discovery Elementary School is part of the Arlington Public Schools, and as such is subject to policies, procedures, and...


March 23, 2020

While policies govern the overall technology program in APS, Discovery Elementary School is unique, as is any school. This...


March 23, 2020

Discovery Elementary School, as a Responsive Classroom school, has expectations for students that are accompanied by logical consequences, as...

Eclipse Energy Dashboard Video

August 13, 2019

Equinox Solar Plaza Video

May 16, 2017

Policies & Practices

April 24, 2017

Educational technology at Discovery Elementary School can be described in several key ways: By policies and procedures set by...