
iPad: Google Login

Open the Google Drive by pressing its icon. The icon looks like this:

Google Drive Icon Large

You will see the Sign In screen, which looks like this:

Google Drive Sign In 1

Press Sign In.

You will likely see a pop-up that asks to use “” to sign in, which looks like this:

Google Drive Sign In 2

Press Continue.

You should now see the screen, which looks like this:

Google Drive Sign In 3

This is different than other screens. We need to tell Teams that we’re part of APS, so your user name is your seven-digit student ID number plus It follows the pattern For example, if your student ID number is 1115432, you would type

Enter your user name, then press the blue Sign In button.

You will see the MyAccess@APS screen, which looks like this:

Google Drive Sign In 4

Remember, any time you see this screen, use only numbers.

In Username, enter the student’s seven digit student ID number.

In Password, enter the student’s six digit password. Then tap the gray Go button.

We are done with Drive for now.


To move to the next step, press on "Next"

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